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Mat Releases | Earned Media Coverage | Family Features Editorial Syndicate

Image of GiftsWhether you represent a food brand or a consumer product, the holiday season is likely a critical timeframe in your annual marketing plan. After all, when else can you capture the attention of so many people looking for recipes and gifts during one dedicated period of time?

The only downside to placing so much weight on holiday coverage is that so many other brands and products are doing the exact same thing. Fortunately, a little strategic planning lets everyone find a place at the proverbial table.

Add a little extra jingle to your holiday campaign with these tips:

Embrace the unexpected. While the holidays are all about tradition, finding a new angle or a fresh approach helps your brand stand out. Just remember that editors gravitate toward content that appeals to the masses, so while unique ideas score points, quirky ones may not.

Wrap it up with a bow. An effective way to get on editors' "Nice List" is to craft a story with a compelling headline, informative copy with subtle brand references and an attractive, holiday-themed photo. Emphasize seasonal references, especially in the headline and in photography colors, to help editors easily signal "holidays" to their readers.

Think about syndicated content. While there’s certainly a lot of competition for holiday placements, syndicated content – like mat releases – offers a way to generate guaranteed coverage for your product. Plus, syndicated content also expands your program reach to even more consumers who might not hear your message if you focused on just the major media markets.

Watch the calendar. High-quality placements – during the holidays or otherwise – generally come from publications that are planning their content well in advance, not the ones that need to fill a last-minute hole. While the latter can certainly help you garner more coverage, it's best to get your content in early in order to secure ideal placement within holiday sections.

What strategies have you found successful when securing holiday coverage for your brand or product?