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Engage Consumers with a Recipe Video Release


OnionAssociationThe National Onion Association worked directly with Family Features to highlight the versatility of onions in simple appetizers. As part of a Recipe Video Release program, the Family Features team created a Recipe Video showcasing Caramelized Sweet Onion Hummus, which can be easily repli­cated by home chefs with a short ingredients list and easy-to-follow steps.

OnionHummus CS


  • More than 290 earned placements in digital and print publications
  • More than 5 million earned impressions
  • More than 230,000 recipe video views
  • More than 105,000 Facebook video views, 60,000 YouTube video views and 65,000 Twitter video views
  • More than 440,000 social media impressions

Secrets to Success:

  • Keep It Simple: Identify a recipe that can be easily followed by a novice home chef. Overly complex recipes may turn away audience members who view the instructions as difficult, but simpler dishes can attract viewers who are willing to learn.
  • Make It Pop: Recipes that include bright ingredients or end with a stunning appearance can better capture the attention of viewers.
  • Use Everday Ingredients: Once you’ve determined a recipe is simple enough for a novice to complete, double-check the ingredients are widely available for consumers to purchase. Obscure ingredients or out-of-season produce may cause confusion.

What is a Recipe Video Release?

Our in-house video production team uses your brand’s recipe to create a custom 60-90 second recipe video. Combined with a traditional Basic Release and utilizing our consumer-facing site,, we’ll distribute and promote the project across our editorial network and social media channels with guaranteed views and earned impressions.

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Take a look at some of the top placements garnered in just a few weeks.

Click the images to enlarge. For print publications, click the arrows below a cover to see the project placement.