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Q4 Blog 9.26.23Are you ready for Q4? The end of the year is fast approaching and it’s the last chance to reach your content marketing goals. But there's still time to strategize and make it happen! Fortunately, with the popularity of seasonal content this time of year, it’s a great opportunity to boost brand exposure and expand the reach of your content.

After all, when else can you capture the attention of so many editors and consumers looking for seasonal content? However, with many brands implementing a holiday marketing strategy, you’ll want to make your plans as early as possible so your content stands out from the crowd.

Consider these top tips and themes for Q4:

 1. Assess Your Goals:

Now is a perfect time to re-assess your brand’s goals and make up any lost ground. Whether you need more impressions or high-quality exposure, it’s not too late to finish 2023 with a bang. It’s a good idea to brainstorm fresh content ideas or review best practices and current trends. To help ensure you have a well-crafted marketing plan for Q4, an experienced content partner can be a helpful solution. From custom content solutions to nationwide distribution, a content partner can help save time and money while helping you reach end of year goals.

2. Understand How Editors Think:
If you want front and center placements, put yourself in the shoes of editors and understand what types of content they need. Editors are looking for a variety of well-crafted, engaging articles alongside eye-catching images. Many print and digital publications gather content weeks and months ahead of time, so you’ll want to distribute your content as soon as possible to capture seasonal impressions and placements.

3. Find Themes that Align with Your Brand:
Whether it’s a specific holiday or the season in general, each timeframe offers plenty of opportunities to create relevant content. However, some themes may be a better fit than others and it’s a good idea to focus on the right ones for maximum results. Choose specific holidays or timely themes that align with your brand’s message, such as holiday dinner recipes, DIY home decor or unique gift ideas. No matter which holidays fit your marketing campaign, each should be planned in advance so it’s not a rush to the finish line. Q4 blog

By planning ahead, building a strong content strategy and focusing on timely content, your brand can find Q4 success. 

Q4 Themes that Editors Love:

• Thanksgiving
• Christmas
• Hannukah
• New Year
• Comfort Food 
• Health & Wellness Content
• Indoor Home Improvement
• Game Day Fun & Entertaining
• Cold Weather Activities & Travel


Have questions? Contact us to learn more.