Family Features creates and delivers branded content to millions of consumers
using digital, print and
social media.

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Family Features creates original content and leverages our comprehensive network of more than 4,000 digital, print and social media partners to deliver high-impact results.

Hundreds of brands, agencies and commodity promotion boards rely on us to create and deliver relevant, branded content to consumers.


Mat Releases | Earned Media Coverage | Family Features Editorial Syndicate

mat releases in action 1If you’re looking for a quick and effective way to deliver branded content to consumers, a Mat Release is a perfect solution! A Mat Release is a ready-to-publish, consumer-oriented, 300-500-word article and up to two images that newspapers, magazines and websites can use. With the ability to generate 1,000 branded placements and over 100 million impressions, Mat Releases can help you increase brand awareness and extend the reach of your message. Plus, this type of content makes it easy for editors to place your article in their publications so you can sit back and watch the results roll in!


Let’s take a closer look at Mat Releases and learn about a few key benefits and tips for success.

What are the Benefits of a Mat Release?

• High-quality digital and print placements
• Millions of guaranteed impressions
• Budget friendly
• Easy and quick execution
• Comprehensive reporting, tracking and ROI measurements
• Copy formatted to follow AP style standards
• A call to action, including a website drive

What are Some Tips to Create a Successful Mat Release?

1. Plan ahead. Many editors look for content 2-3 months ahead of time. The sooner you get your content in front of them, the better chance for exposure and high-impact results.
2. Be unique. Make your content stand out and grab readers’ attention.
3. Catchy headlines. If it catches editors’ eyes, they know it will engage their audience too.
4. Solve a problem/inform. Helpful tips, solutions and advice are always great subjects.
5. High-quality photography. Visuals can greatly enhance your content, so choose a high-resolution image to grab attention.
6. Take advantage of trends. Align your brand’s message with trending topics and timely themes.
7. Think evergreen. In addition to trending subjects, evergreen topics are also a great way to supplement content between major holidays and events to ensure your Mat Release can be used any time of year.
8. Pursue a target demographic with strategically themed content. Consider targeting cultural or demographic groups that fit your intended audience.

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Are you ready to create a Mat Release? Contact us today for a quick consultation or check out our case studies to learn more. Our Content Development Team will help you build a successful content strategy from start to finish and ensure your Mat Release is done right. We also know it’s about quality placements and not just quantity, so you can rely on our team to get your brand the exposure it deserves.

Looking for more ways to share your brand’s message? A Mat Release is just the beginning! Check out our other programs to see all we have to offer from Recipe Videos and Features to add-ons like Social Media Amplification.