Family Features creates and delivers branded content to millions of consumers
using digital, print and
social media.

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Family Features creates original content and leverages our comprehensive network of more than 4,000 digital, print and social media partners to deliver high-impact results.

Hundreds of brands, agencies and commodity promotion boards rely on us to create and deliver relevant, branded content to consumers.


Mat Releases | Earned Media Coverage | Family Features Editorial Syndicate

reporting blog intro imageWe’re so glad you’re here and taking the time to learn a bit more about Family Features' NEW Demographic Reporting. This update to our current reporting system allows you to see demographic data to help you better understand who your content is reaching in publications and who is engaging with the content across our social media platforms.

Below you’ll find screenshots and details of what to expect as you walk through your demographic reports but, before we get started, we want to address the elephant in the room. Now that this will be available at your fingertips, what are you supposed to do with this information? We strongly believe this data can impact your business in the following ways:

Confirm or adjust your target market: Did your specific demographic data catch you by surprise or did it confirm what you already knew? Either way, this information can help you evaluate who is willing to engage and interact with your brand. Maybe that confirms your target demographic or maybe it needs adjusted, but data will be key in knowing who you are talking to and who is wanting to talk back.

Consider your overall marketing strategy: After you’ve confirmed or adjusted your target market, you can begin to understand your segments better. Who are they? What are they interested in? How do they respond to marketing? What sparks their interests? As you answer these questions, you may want to adjust your strategy moving forward or high-five your team for being on target.

Make smart buys for the future: Now that your marketing strategy aligns with your target market, it’s time to make smart buys. Knowing who is responding and engaging with your content can help you target specific users you know will interact with your brand. This makes moving a customer through the marketing funnel much easier and more cost-effective when you know, from data, they are willing to engage.

We’re excited for you to dive into this new Demographic Reporting to make practical impacts on your businesses and accounts! Let’s get started.


Summary Reporting

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When you pull up your project reporting, this is the page you will start on. This is our summary page and will give you a bird’s eye view of how your project performed; it’s a great snapshot to ensure your project reached its guaranteed deliverables.


Placement Reporting

Placement reporting image Similarweb Demographics


















Upon clicking Project Demographics, you’ll be led to the Placement Demographics of your content. Your top three metrics (gender, age and device type) will contain detailed information about the viewers who visited the website that published your content online. The bottom two metrics (DMA and community type) will contain detailed information on the markets the publications that placed your print or online content were located.


Individual Placement Data

idividual placement data image













When you select Placement Data, you will view individual outlet demographic data from each site that published your content.


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Social Media Reporting

Social Media Demographics 1



















After selecting Social Amplification, you will see a summary of the social media campaign as well as a summary of demographic information. This is a combination of the overall user demographic data of who viewed your content based on the various platforms.

As you continue to scroll down this report, you will see the totals and demographic data for each social media channel that was part of your social campaign including Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter.


 Video Reporting

Video Demographics 1

















Upon selecting Video, you will see a summary of the video campaign as well as a summary of demographic information. This is a combination of the overall user demographic data of who viewed your video based on the various platforms.

As you continue to scroll down this report, you will see the totals and demographic data for each social media channel that was part of your video campaign including Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


That’s it! You’ve officially completed the “learn more” part of our new Demographic Reporting. Now it’s time to have some fun and enjoy the data. As always, if you have any questions, please contact us.

Click here to view the Reporting Site